Articles & Blogs

Avoid the Proof of Concept “Black Hole”

Many companies think they need to design a proof of concept for their new products for a variety of reasons. When it comes to the internet of things (IoT), however, this type of undertaking is often unnecessary. The only reason you need to prove you can do something is if it’s never been done before. And if it hasn’t been done before, it probably shouldn’t be part of your product development. The technology behind IoT has been around for 15-20 years, making it far from bleeding edge. In this blog, we’ll discuss why proof of concepts are typically not needed for IoT applications, and what your company should do instead.

The Top 15 Questions the Industry is Still Asking About Cloud Training

Complex and constantly evolving, cloud computing involves connected technologies that inspire many questions among IT professionals. Companies continue to modernize infrastructures and adopt cloud native development practices and a DevOps culture. As a result, IT and business leaders are identifying extensive gaps in the skills of their teams. A fully trained, certified workforce can prevent companies from making costly mistakes while migrating to the cloud and modernizing company applications and technologies.

Let's Talk About Medicare Supplement Plans—What's Offered and What's the Cost?

You may know that you are eligible for Original Medicare after you turn 65 years old. Original Medicare includes Part A hospital insurance and Part B medical insurance. What you might not realize is that Medicare isn’t offered free of charge—at least not for most people. You likely will pay at least a portion of your insurance premium, a 20% coinsurance rate, as well as copayments and deductibles.